April 30, 2024

News and Political Commentary

Gen Alpha and Gen Z video gamers face a new threat that their parents didn’t: Other players

2 min read

Today, 45% of Americans over age 50 play video games. These players have witnessed the evolution from classic games such as Tetris and Pong to immersive titles like Grand Theft Auto. While the early games enraptured players, they were generally regarded as pretty tame. Atari and GameCube were usually played alone or with friends in one’s living room and only occasionally dipped into some kind of cartoon violence that was more comical than macabre.

Fast-forward and kids today are playing within a radically different gaming landscape. Setting aside the shocking, gory, and inappropriate content children can choose to explore, today’s video games are rife with abuse and harassment inflicted upon gamers by the other players themselves, who are often strangers. User-generated content (UGC) is a new danger kid gamers face that their parents didn’t–and it’s the most alarming aspect of gaming today.

In the context of video games, UGC refers to any content created by the players of the game themselves–think message boards, voice chat, usernames, and even metaverse interactions. And it can turn ugly fast. Users of the highly-anticipated game Silent Hill: Ascension recently reported that the game’s built-in chat feed is an “absolute cesspit” of unchecked profanity and slurs, and reports about video games and online chats being “hunting grounds” for sexual predators abound.

Why the gaming industry embraces UGC

Despite its risks to users, UGC has become a key part of the gaming experience. The gaming industry continues to embrace multiplayer, immersive experiences that centralize UGC in the name of profitability and popularity among their user base.

To gain the attention of the more than 212 million Americans who regularly play video games and grow their share of a $56.6 billion market, gaming companies ruthlessly compete for user engagement, and research shows the best way to do so is through interactive gaming experiences.

At the 2023…

Alex Popken

2024-01-26 11:46:23

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